I felt like David staring at Goliath. One little
guy with a slingshot facing a giant with a
sword. It seemed impossible. The nation of
moms? What did that even mean?
Moms are discovering
that there is more that
makes us alike than
makes us different.
But when God gives you vision, He also
provides the provision. He had given me a
vision of calling in the Nation of Moms, and
I was being bold enough to come before His
throne and ask for it, armed with a
What about you, Mama? Are you ready to
slingshot and a whole lot of faith.
take on the world? Let's join hands and
hearts and bring in the Nation of Moms. It's
Moms are everywhere. No matter the
our time and it's our duty.
country, the language, or the skin tone, we
are all dealing with the same issues. Our
kids make us laugh and cry, which break
through language barriers. We struggle
over dinner, whether it’s going through the
drive-through to pick up chicken nuggets
or cooking rice in a bamboo steamer. We
pull crazy hours, transcending time zones
and schedules. We are the Nation of Moms.
And we have been called for such a time as
I believe change is coming. God is shaking
the nations and bringing forth His
kingdom. And it's not going to happen
through the media, the government, not
even the churches. It's going to happen
through moms. Moms like you and me,
who are waking up every morning, getting
out of bed, and transforming this world--
one life at a time. -- HK
Today, Master Moms can be found in
Scotland, Finland, Australia, Canada, St.
Lucia, Japan, France, New Zealand, Poland,
India, Ireland, Germany, Faroe Islands,
South Africa, Brazil, Romania, Estonia, and
the United States. And we just keep
Our world is more connected than ever,
and moms are discovering that there is
much more that makes us alike than makes
us different. We are stronger, together; and
united, we can conquer anything. We are
one Nation under God, no matter what
country you call home.