Mentor Magazine MentorMagazine | Page 18

"Emotional Idol taught me that I had the right and responsibility to be emotionally healthy. I began to read and hear the word of God and started my journey to freedom from depression and suicidal thoughts. It was the domino that started it all!!!" - Nettie Rivera Be em oti o fre nally e! "Delegate or Die helped me stop trying to do  everything myself and end up overwhelmed, frustrated  and grumpy. This breakdown, plus the outline of how  to delegate, was like a relief valve from the pressure !  of trying to do it all solo!" - Sharon Johns  oad l the e r Sha "Time Ninja! Wow, is that one ever good! Right off the bat, you feel empowered. You know you can do this. Thinking in minutes changed my life! - Penny Andros 10X prod your ucti vity ! "Shine Your Star has made my home more peaceful. I fight way less with my girls now that I'm able to address them ur based on their different personalities" - Amanda Dee d yo n rsta lity! e d a Un son r e p "Prior to listening to When Needs are Special I felt like the world was on my shoulders with my  special needs child. I cried through the entire coaching. My thoughts were if God gave me this child then I should know how to handle    it. Boy, was I wrong!  Thank you Hannah for helping to change the trajectory of my family towards all of the abundance and health and prosperity that He has for us!" - Syl Cardenas 17 Spe cial kids !