MENtion IT Issue 1 | Page 4



We are a team of journalists who are passionate about changing the way society views men ’ s mental health .

Harvey henson - Co-Founder Hello , I am one of the Mention It creators . I have OCD and have struggled with it and its consequences for my mental health my entire adult life . Positive and transparent conversations about mental health , in my opinion , are critical for raising awareness and letting everyone know that it is okay to not be okay . There are bad days and bad months , but it is never a bad life - and I hope that through Mention It , we can bring this awareness and support .
Fatima Ahmed - Co-Founder I am the creator of MENtion It . Growing up with two younger brothers , nothing is more important to me then their well-being , albeit physically or mentally . In 2023 , there is still a stigma surrounding men ’ s mental health with their being not much support for them compared to women . I wanted to create a magazine that is focused on the destigmatisation of men ’ s mental health and allow men to be more open with their feelings .
Adamma Ewulum - Co-Founder Hi , I ’ m a member of the Mention It team . As someone who grew up with many brothers who I have seen them battling with depression and other mental health issues , I believe a magazine addressing men ’ s mental health is important , especially with the stigma still surrounding it . I hope that through Mention It we will be able to reach every man who is suffering from mental disorders or is even just having a bad day that is affecting their mental state .