THE Scottish Recovery Walk 2013 is taking place on Saturday 11th May at the Forth Road Bridge . The event
kicks off at 4PM and will see a group of motivated individuals walk from one end of the Bridge to another . It raises awareness about recovery from devestating addictions , as well as being fun for all those who take part .
Kuladharini , Director of the Scottish Recovery Consortium said :" With just days to go until Recovery Walk Scotland 2013 and over 1000 people registered to walk , it ’ s time to create history . Never before in Scotland have 1000 people stood together on the Forth Road Bridge and given thanks for recovery from addiction . People are coming from the Borders , Ayrshire , Aberdeen , Dundee , Perth , Glasgow , Edinburgh and of course Fife to experience recovert en masse . They are coming in cars , in buses and on rickshaws , with kids , with Grandmothers and with next door neighbouts . The Cherry Blossoms are in bloom . It ’ s time to walk Ladies and Gentleman . See you on the bridge .
To register for the walk , go to http :// www . scottishrecoveryconsortium . org
IT ’ S that time of year again - Mental Health Awareness Week . At Mental Matters , we look to raise awareness about mental health constantly but fully support the campaign .
The Mental Health Foundation ( MHF ) will be using the week between May 13-19 to focus on the aspects surrounding physical activity . On a par with the ‘ Get Active ’ campaign ran by SAMH - the message is that being more active physically is going to benefit your overall mental health .
Everyone has mental health and it ’ s important we all look after our own .
Many events will be taking place across the country and for further information head to http :// www , mentalhealth . org . uk
# letsgetphysical
Life can be hard . Recovery is possible .
At 13 , I started using cannabis and drinking . When I was 18 then I started to go clubbing and to pubs and beganusing mixture of illegal drugs . I was a mess . I went to my GP complaining of voices and I was referred to a Psychiatrist . At 22 , I lost my full time job which I loved and things got worse . I got admitted to hospital for my first of many overdose atempts . I did this till I was 26 when I met another patient on his first admission . Hewas a lot older than me but he just understood what I was going and started advising me on how to cope with life and people . We ' re still in touch now in fact we ’ re best mates and see and speak every day .
At the time , the hospital spoke to both my friend and mum and tried to discourage the friendship as it wasn ’ t appropriate . I ’ d probably still be in hospital today without his support .
His friendship , faith and support have been crucial to me and without it - I ' d still be using drugs and drinking . I ' d been written off and was getting no real support from anyone and just going round in circles . I ' m now 32 and 5 years clean and sober . I ’ m even thinking of going back to work . It showsthat with support , encouragement and faith in a person it really can make a difference .
Emma Paslawsksa , 32 , West Midlands