Mental health and gender-based violence 2016 | Page 30

13 . Taking care of yourself as a helper

13 . Taking care of yourself as a helper

Aim . To learn how the trauma of others can affect you . Warning signals and the consequences of being an empathetic helper . Learning how to cope .
Talking to survivors of trauma also affects the helper . For all helpers , empathy is an essential aspect of good help . But it is also a source of compassion fatigue , vicarious traumatisation , or secondary traumatic stress ( STS ). How are helpers to manage their own stress ? Early recognition and awareness are crucial to efforts to prevent burn out .
In addition , professionals who work in conflict areas and emergencies are likely to perform less efficiently if they are under this kind of stress . Even large organisations sometimes fail to take sufficient care of their staff , because managers are not adequately trained to spot symptoms , are unprepared for early intervention and prevention , are not equipped to assist , or have poor follow-up procedures . These problems are much more acute for local helpers , who usually have few resources and very little support . All helpers who work closely with traumatised people should take the time to make themselves aware of their own emotional state , and what they need to do to protect themselves from exhaustion while continuing to work professionally and with compassion .
Being exposed vicariously to traumatic events , for example by listening to catastrophic testimonies , may generate some of the same trauma reactions that would occur if you were involved in a serious incident . You may struggle to manage your emotions , have problems in your relationships , find decision-making difficult , have physical problems ( aches and pains , illnesses ), feel hopeless , think your life has no meaning , or experience a collapse in self-esteem .
It is therefore important to develop strategies to cope with situations that might cause vicarious trauma-reactions . What helps you to take your mind off your work or your thoughts ? How can you rest your body as well as your mind ? Does an activity inspire you or put you in a better mood ? If you find it useful , you can also use the grounding techniques that you teach survivors .
Helpers who have been personally exposed to GBV have additional reasons to be stressed . At the same time , their experience can give them a special understanding of the hardships and vulnerability of survivors , and this should be recognised and valued .
Like survivors , helpers need support groups . If possible , meet regularly with other helpers to discuss your experiences and feelings , or do things together . If there are too few helpers in your area to create a support group , find friends and other people you trust with whom you can share your feelings without breaking the confidentiality of the survivors you are helping .
( For more information see page 139 .)