Mental health and gender-based violence 2016 | Page 179

UNFPA ( 2006 ). Ending violence against women . Programming for prevention , protection and care . At : http :// www . unfpa . org / webdav / site / global / shared / documents / publications / 2007 / endingvaw . pdf . Provides examples of good practice from UNFPA ’ s experience of ten projects in five regions .
WHO ( 2012 ). Mental health and psychosocial support for conflict-related sexual violence : 10 myths . At : http :// apps . who . int / iris / bitstream / 10665 / 75177 / 1 / WHO _ RHR _ HRP _ 12.17 _ eng . pdf .
WHO , SVIR , Stop Rape now ( 2011 ). Setting a research agenda for conflict-related sexual violence . At : http :// www . svri . org / forums / forum2011 / ResearchAgenda . pdf .
This is a power point presentation .
Women ’ s Refugee Commission ( 2011 ). Preventing Gender-based Violence , Building Livelihoods : Guidance and Tools for Improved Programming . At : http :// mhpss . net / wp-content / uploads / group-documents / 46 / 1325739617-full _ report _ 146 . pdf . Conflict and displacement destroy livelihoods and force people to adopt new strategies to support themselves . New livelihood strategies can increase the risk of GBV . Women need to make informed livelihood choices and shape their own options . Programmes should involve women throughout – in assessment and design , implementation , and monitoring and evaluation .