Men's Hockey Game Notes Vol. VIII | Page 17

I MARIAN HOCKEY t feels like it’s been an eternity since I’ve gotten to call a hockey game. That’s the one thing that I don’t like about D3 Hockey is the long break. But I’m happy and optimistic about the second half of the season. This week I thought I would talk about some of the sayings that I have on air. I probably should’ve done this earlier in the season, but here are some of things I say on the air and what they mean or where they came from. Royal Rumble: I actually was questioned by an opposing team’s fan about this one, so I thought I would clarify it. I say “Royal Rumble” when there is a lot of players pushing and shoving after a whistle. Huge scrums remind me of this wrestling pay-per-view. Gretzky’s Office: This is of course is the back of the net in the offensive zone. They always said that Gretzky was in his office in back of the net. I always like to pay homage to the greatest hockey player that I’ve ever seen. Shillelagh: This is the goalie’s stick. I actually don’t know where this one came from, but I think it just came out during one game. I liked it so much that I kept it. Sick: this is my go to saying for a great play. I usually use it for a sweet goal or a great save. Fair Catch: I’m a huge football fan and like to pay tribute to the game. I usually say this when a puck is flipped high in to the air like a punt, and a player could probably fair catch the puck. Bumble Bee Tuna: I usually say this when the puck ends up in the net that’s in back of the goal. I used to eat Bumble Bee Tuna all the time as a kid, and I also just like to say this. Fairway: I usually say this when a team is shorthanded and they clear the puck the length of the ice. The puck looks like a golf ball being driven down a fairway. It’s your dream you can make it as big as you want. This is my signature sign off from the air. I say this because every time that I get to do play-byplay it’s like a dream come true. I also believe that anything is possible, and you should always go after your dreams. MUSabreAthletics @MUSabres MUSabres SabreAthletics IN FRONT OF THE MIC by ADAM HILL Ice Gopher: This is when a player trips for no apparent reason and with no one around him. This phrase originated when I was working a Fond du Lac Bears game.