Men's Health: Natural approaches for better prostate health Men's Health | Page 31

chapter five
The amount of urine produced will vary from person to person and will be dependent on any number of factors including liquids and foods consumed , as well as any fluids lost as a result of sweating or respiration . Some medications , food types and medical conditions can also affect the amount of urine and it is worth noting that children will produce less urine than adults .
The bladder is situated between the pelvic bones and is a balloon shaped organ that expands as it is filled with urine . Urine empties through the urethra at the bottom of the bladder . The kidneys are small , bean-shaped organs and each equates to the size of a fist , filtering approximately 120-150 quarts of blood each day and producing 1-2 quarts of urine .
The health of the urinary tract is vital and it is important to ensure the regular flow of urine . Too often , people allow themselves to become dehydrated and often drink far less than they should . Ideally , at the first sign of a dry mouth , water should be taken . Although many guidelines are given for water consumption , there is no actual specified quantity . It is just important to keep fluid levels topped up .
In addition to dehydration , too much salt in a diet can also lead to an imbalance of salt / mineral and water in the body that is not good for the kidneys . In addition , a diet high in salt may lead to the elevation of blood pressure and this could lead to kidney stones or even kidney damage eventually . Sodium within salt leads to additional salt being excreted . To help reduce the risk of calcium-based kidney stones , it is wise to reduce any processed foods within the diet as these contain salt . Always check labels before purchase .
Caffeine may irritate the bladder and will lead to urinating more frequently . Additional water is lost through perspiration , exercise , and on hot days so extra water should be taken during these times . Many urinary tract infections are caused by sexual activity , where bacteria can travel into the urinary tract . To reduce the potential for this , urinating prior to and after sex should help . Men are less likely to contract infections in this way simply because their urethra is longer , but it is still possible . Good personal hygiene is essential , i . e . wiping from front to back will help limit the risk of infections as the anus and rectum have a lot of bacteria .
Frequent Urination Frequent urination during the nighttime hours indicates a reduced ability to hold the urine . This is referred to as nocturia . There are in