Men's Health Awareness Month November 2021 | Page 12

Lack of Awareness

in Men's Mental Health

By Paola Ayala

Mental health is so important and is something that is just recently getting destigmatized and studied more. The well-being of our mind and emotions is just as important as our physical well-being; we live in a world where it's still hard for people to understand that. Today, we will detail what some people go through, specifically men, and the lack of awareness of these issues. 

Mental health issues men may face are anxiety, depression, eating disorders, etc. Research says many of these issues are caused by a combination of chemical imbalances in the brain and traumas people have gone through/ lack of healthy coping skills. 

Substance Abuse

Many people go through many mental hardships like drug addiction, for example. Statistically, men are more likely to abuse illicit drugs and alcohol; however, women are more likely to go to the emergency room for fatal overdose or injury. This tells me men are less likely to ask for help when needed, even though they are more likely to suspect this behaviour. Researchers believe this is due to both biological and societal reasons. For example, some researchers believe the pressure from society, childcare, relationship dynamics, and money all-cause men to be more susceptible to addiction. According to Harvard medical school, the main biological difference between the genders is susceptibility, recovery, and risk of relapse. Research shows men are more likely to experience more intense withdrawal symptoms; however, women are more likely to relapse due to intense cravings. Overall, men are more likely to abuse due to societal norms and biological reactions to the substance depending on the substance.