Men's Exchange March, 2014 | Page 6

• Patients don’t have to wait a long time in order for them to get their organ transplant

• The cost of making a 3D printed prosthetic organ is much more affordable

• There is a higher survival rate of printed cells

• It offers high precise resolution

• There is a reduced need for donors

• They allow more drug testing to be done

• Very low risk of organ transplant rejection, as every body part will be created from a patient’s own cell


There is a growing popularity of 3D printed models, here is a list of some advantages and disadvantages of having 3D printed prosthetics:


• There will be moral and ethical dilemmas in the future

Researching with 3D printed prosthesis has a high cost

• Prosthetics need to be precise and specific for them to work properly

• Connecting bioprinted organs to the human body is difficult to do