Men's Basketball Game Notes Volume 10 | Page 10

@MarianUHoops BASKETBALL NOTES GAME 13: ROCKFORD @MarianUHoops BASKETBALL NOTES Marian University Men's Basketball Individual Career History GAME 13: ROCKFORD Marian University Men's Basketball Individual Career History Bartelt, James Total Season 2010-11 2011-12 2013-14 TOTAL gp-gs 14-0 17-0 12-0 43-0 min/avg 62/4.4 199/11.7 60/5.0 321/7.5 fg-fga 5-10 23-52 3-10 31-72 3-Point pct .500 .442 .300 .431 fg-fga 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 Gomez, Alex F-Throws pct ft-fta .000 .000 .000 .000 8-13 18-23 2-4 28-40 Rebounds pct .615 .783 .500 .700 off 3 15 4 22 def 10 29 3 42 tot 13 44 7 64 Scoring avg 0.9 2.6 0.6 1.5 pf 9 12 6 27 fo 0 0 0 0 ast 2 2 0 4 to 3 10 7 20 blk 2 4 1 7 stl 0 1 1 2 pts avg 18 64 8 90 1.3 3.8 0.7 2.1 SINGLE-GAME HIGHS: Points: 14, Lakeland College -- 01/11/12 Rebounds: 6, Lakeland College -- 01/11/12 Assists: 2, at Edgewood College -- 01/26/11 Steals: 1, at Concordia University -- 01/21/12; Edgewood College -- 12/11/13 Blocks: 2, Maranatha -- 02/14/12 FG made: 4, Lakeland College -- 01/11/12; Aurora University -- 02/18/12 FG attempts: 8, Lakeland College -- 01/11/12 FT made: 6, Lakeland College -- 01/11/12 FT attempts: 6, Lakeland College -- 01/11/12 Total 2012-13 2013-14 TOTAL gp-gs 26-21 12-12 38-33 min/avg 644/24.8 324/27.0 968/25.5 fg-fga 72-159 35-89 107-248 3-Point pct .453 .393 .431 fg-fga 14-49 6-27 20-76 F-Throws pct .286 .222 .263 ft-fta 69-94 34-49 103-143 Rebounds pct .734 .694 .720 off def 31 94 19 33 50 127 tot 125 52 177 4.8 4.3 4.7 pf 62 34 96 fo 1 1 2 ast 38 36 74 to 29 21 50 blk 5 0 5 stl Q