I've dealt with many heartbroken experiences in my 24 years of walkin' round on this tiny pebble called Earth. Death of a family member, breakups, friends coming and going. Looking back, now I am thankful for these experiences, or at least thankful that I've learned so much from all of this.
I've learned that in life, nothing really belongs to you. The sense of attachment to people and material things, once taken away, causes pain for many of us. Pain is inevitable. We all feel that pain. A lot of us (myself included) has dealt with this pain by reaching and looking outwards for answers, numbing ourselves through drugs, alcohol, junk food, and materialistic ideas of what we think might fill in this void inside. To me, I felt like I was looking in the wrong direction for ansers and I shoulda been looking within instead of out. Because within us, there's a connection to an infinite source of creativity and divine beauty.
Once I've discovered this thing called self love, I started to love all unconditionally. I began USING this experience to focus on my life's purpose and focus on the things that make me feel happy at the end of the day. Skateboarding played a huge role in that because unlike many other activities, you don't need anyone else around to do it and there's no right or wrong way to do it. It's like a form of meditation. It's about being fully present and connected and expressing these creative energies that we ALL are in essence.
This is what's helped me on my journey in becoming my greatest version. And to experience fully, the contrast of life, for the growth and expansion of our consciousness. I hope that this will inspire someone, in some way, to find positivity in every situation.
I sent my friend a few questions regarding heartbreak and this was the response I was given.