Spring 2014
Middle East and North Africa Network of Water Centers of Excellence
MENA NWC Research Projects Underway
MENA NWC Research
Activities Underway
MENA NWC Launches
Round Two Now Open for
Policy, Research and
Development (PR&D)
Grants Applications
MENA NWC Welcomes
Two New Centers
MENA NWC Incorporated
as Non Profit Organization
in Washington, D.C.
Founders Committee
Transitions to Interim
Board of Directors
Table of PR&D Research
Project Awards
MENA NWC-funded
research is underway
across the Middle East
and North Africa. Since
January, all of the Policy,
Research and
Development (PR&D)
research teams have held
start-up meetings in
countries across the
region. Research teams
led by the Middle East
Desalination Research
Center (MEDRC) and the
California Institute of
Technology (Caltech)
also initiated research
activities with start-up
meetings in January 2014.
The start-up meetings
provide an opportunity
for researchers to review
their research
methodologies, discuss
and update the research
project work plans, agree
on how the research
Ghazi Abu Rumman of ICT International demonstrates how electronic sensors can be
used to improve on-farm irrigation management to the Application of Near-Real Time
Monitoring Systems for Irrigated Agriculture research team outside of Amman,
Jordan in March 2014.
team will work
together to achieve the
deliverables, and,
where applicable, visit
field sites. Every startup meeting includes at
least one scientist from
each participating
institution, a FABRI
grants manager,
counterparts from the
U.S. government, as
well as stakeholders
including government
officials and private
sector partners.
MENA NWC Launches Website
MENA NWC launched an
initial website for the
Network in June. Find us
at www.menanwc.org.
This is a temporary site to
share initial information
about the Network. In
the coming months, we
will release an entirely
new, permanent website
that includes interactive
features like online
Communities of Practice,
information on new
funding opportunities, and
a searchable directory of
researchers at MENA
NWC member Centers.
[email protected] if
you would like to be
notified when the new
website is launched!