Aliquam varius adipiscing tempor. Vivamus id ipsum sit amet massa consectetur porta.
Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Cras et eros convallis risus ullamcorper aliquam at in odio. Quisque vitae rutrum mi. Aliquam ac erat at neque accumsan tristique. Praesent id tempor nisl. Curabitur sed nulla at magna venenatis cursus vitae nec tortor. Maecenas elit nunc, porttitor non tincidunt nec, scelerisque vel dolor. Suspendisse consectetur mauris vitae odio semper euismod. Curabitur in enim augue. Curabitur vel tincidunt odio. Integer volutpat tempus nunc, sed molestie velit pellentesque eu. Praesent dapibus enim turpis, at lacinia purus. Fusce dictum fringilla justo ut pellentesque. Vivamus eu urna dolor, id ultrices odio. Fusce sit amet sem nibh.
Maecenas ipsum purus. Ultricies ut hendrerit ac, imperdiet et lectus.
and the craziest thing happened. The lamp above the cage crashed down on top of the cage and the sides of the tank fell away, presumably the snake was crushed in the process but I didn’t stick around to find out. The moment of impact I started to scream and ran probably faster than I ever have before or since out of the store and to the chaperone’s car. I sat there crying until the adults figured out that I was outside and what had happened and assured me that everything was fine and no snakes were coming after me.
The thought of this memory from Kindergarten makes me laugh now but at the time I was terrified. I had a wonderful Kindergarten experience. Luckily I got to go to Kindergarten in California and we took lots of field trips and the curriculum allowed for more creative projects, including firing clay creations in a kiln. On one particular field trip we were going to a local fish store that I had frequented with my parents before in order to get fish for our fish tank at home. I was excited to go and look at all the colorful fish and maybe even pick out a few to tell my parents that I wanted for our tank at home. I spent my time at first with many of my friends looking at all of the fish but then after losing interest in the fish tanks I went to go look at what I thought was a cage with cute baby mice in it. It turned out that it was a snake tank and that the owner had just fed the live mice to the snake! You have to understand that I have a paralyzing fear of snakes and as the snake slithered out of its tube I realized that the mice were not for sale as pets. They were on the menu. I stood frozen on the spot, not knowing what to do because I wanted desperately to save the mice. I actually said a prayer that God would protect the mice
Early Memories