Memoria [EN] Nr 71 (08/2023) | Page 8


The commemoration of the Roma and Sinti extermination was held at the site of the former German Nazi concentration and extermination camp Auschwitz II-Birkenau, where state authorities, international organisations, ambassadors, diplomats, politicians, representatives of local authorities, and institutions and museums gathered to pay tribute to the Victims and laid wreaths.

‘I am deeply moved and touched that today - on the occasion of the Sinti and Roma Genocide Remembrance Day - I can speak to you as a representative of our survivors,’ Gerda Pohl said at the commemoration.

Speaking about her family history, she recalled: ‘My late husband Horst Pohl fought for his life here in Auschwitz. That is why it is particularly important for me to remember the Holocaust against the Sinti and Roma right here,’ she stressed. During her speech, she referred to the problem of discrimination and exclusion: ‘However, we must be careful that they do not start again. [...] Therefore, I implore you, with all my heart, to fight racism wherever you encounter it. First, I would like to appeal to young people: The future of Germany, Europe and the whole world rests in your hands,’ she said.

Referring to history, Roman Kwiatkowski, President of the Roma Association in Poland, said: ‘The criminal ideology of the Nazis sought to erase a nation from the map of Europe that had existed in its history for nearly 700 years. However, the Roma and Sinti survived the extermination, just as they had survived every period of persecution and exclusion. [...] They also survived to bear witness now to the truth about the times of contempt and its consequences. We are pleased that more and more young people are here every year.’

Announcing next year's round anniversary, Roman Kwiatkowski emphasised: ‘Next year will mark the 80th anniversary of the extermination of the Zigeunerlager Auschwitz-Birkenau. I hope we will meet then without the many fears that burden us today, and that the Holocaust will primarily serve as a lesson in history and remembrance rather than a warning of a new threat of fanaticism and racism. Future generations can never experience the fate of their ancestors; it is a responsibility we all bear towards them.’

Romani Rose, President of the Central Council of German Sinti and Roma, also spoke: ‘Auschwitz is a symbol of a turning point in the history of civilisation and the crimes against humanity committed by the Nazis against 500,000 Sinti and Roma and 6 million Jews. [...] It is with great concern that we observe the proliferation of anti-democratic attitudes and violent right-wing extremism across Europe today.’

In his speech, Rose also alluded to the current situation: ‘In Eastern Europe, for example, a large proportion of Roma live in apartheid-like conditions and are excluded in the areas of education, housing, employment and healthcare. The latest EU Fundamental Rights Agency 2022 reports clearly show the extent of anti-Gypsy exclusion: over 80% of the Roma minority, particularly in Central and Eastern Europe, are at risk of poverty, and 50% suffer from severe financial hardship. Educational segregation has even increased in recent years, with more than 50% of Roma children and youth attending segregated educational institutions, for example, in Bulgaria and Slovakia. In Romania, 40% of minority households still do not have access to clean drinking water.’

‘The European Union proudly invokes the Charter, which recognises human rights as fundamental. For this very reason, it must be the obligation of democratic states not to continue to ignore the degrading and inhuman conditions towards our minority in their home countries.’ appealed Romani Rose.

Nicola Beer, Vice-President of the European Parliament, spoke about remembrance and its contemporary implications. ‘Remembrance of the Holocaust is necessary today. Essential. The atrocities of World War II taught us one fundamental lesson: never again! We need a reminder today and in the future that these unforgivable acts against humanity should never be repeated in Europe or any other part of the world. It is our duty and responsibility to remember. It must be our collective responsibility to educate the next generation about the Sinti and Roma Holocaust,’ Beer stressed.

‘Remembering must also include society's opposition to all forms of discrimination and racism. [...] Today's ceremony should also serve as a reminder for every generation.

"The Gypsy family camp", the so-called Zigeunerfamilienlager, located in the Auschwitz II-Birkenau camp, was liquidated by the Germans on the night of 2 - 3 August 1944. It was then that some 4,300 children, women and men - the last Roma inmates of the camp - were murdered in the gas chambers. 2 August is commemorated as Sinti and Roma Genocide Remembrance Day.

Auschwitz Memorial