The purpose of the conference organized by Jewish Historical Institute in Warsaw is to present new research of various forms of armed and civilian resistance of Jews against nazi Germany genocide. The interest of conference is focused on: the uprisings and resisistance in the ghettos and camps, as well as participation of the Jews in regular armed forces and partizans units.
Separate interest is vested on the civilian forms of resistance. We invite also the researchers of historiography and social imagery.
The conference will be held in Polish and English. Abstracts should be sent in either of the languages (300 – 500 words), as well as bio note. Please indicate language of the presentation, and send all to e-mail: [email protected]
The conference will take place physically in Jewish Historical Institute in Warsaw and will be transmitted via Internet. In case of the pandemics of COVID-19 (or other unforeseen circumstances) a physical meeting in the described date is not be possible, the conference will be held online or in hybrid formula. The conference participants, in the event of replacing the stationary formula to a different one, will be informed in due advance. The conference proceedings will be held in the preferred language of presentation, without a translation.
The organizer will provide accommodation (with breakfast) on 15/16.10.2023, 16/17.10. 2023 and food (lunch, coffee/tea during the breaks and dinner on 16.10.2023). Jewish Historical Institute will have right to publish the presentations, via online transmission and digital recording.
Deadline for application is 15th March, 2023. Invited conference participants will be informed by 30th June 2023.
The conference committee: August Grabski, Katarzyna Person, Piotr Weiser, Joshua D. Zimmerman
We invite you to send abstracts to the conference "Armed and civilian resistance of Polish Jews during Holocaust" that commemorates 80th Anniversary of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising. Application deadline is 15 March 2023. The conference will take place in Warsaw, 16-17 October 2023.
Jewish Historical Institute in Warsaw