deportation, and murder of Jews and Roma on a broader map of ethnic and other cleavages and conflicts in East-Central Europe and beyond, remains a research challenge and a point of contention in public debate. Probing sites of competing victimhood, the study of the Holocaust faces the question of how to fruitfully integrate the histories of occupation, national histories of antisemitism, racism and ethnic conflict. We welcome proposals that address and incorporate the histories of migration, including refugees and displaced persons, or which challenge the often prevalent methodological nationalism of history writing. This thematic track aims to place the Holocaust and its aftermath in its wider contexts and to engage with the variety of histories of exclusionary processes and mass violence in diverse societies. It may include analyses of how this troubled past is used or weaponized in recent conflicts.
Submission Deadline: 15 December 2022
You can find the details about the formats of conference sessions at the website of the Masaryk Institute and Archives of the Czech Academy of Sciences. Questions regarding registration and submission can be addressed to [email protected].