Memoria [EN] Nr 53 (2/2022) | Page 9

bravery of those troops. About 200 Ritchie Boys are estimated to be alive today.

About the Elie Wiesel Award

Established in 2011, the Elie Wiesel Award recognizes individuals whose actions embody the Museum’s vision of a world where people confront hate, prevent genocide, and promote human dignity. Elie Wiesel, the Museum’s founding chairman, was the first recipient of the award, which was subsequently named in his honor. Engraved on the award are the words from Wiesel’s Nobel Prize acceptance speech, “One person of integrity can make a difference.”

About the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum

A nonpartisan, federal educational institution, the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum is America’s national memorial to the victims of the Holocaust dedicated to ensuring the permanence of Holocaust memory, understanding, and relevance. Through the power of Holocaust history, the Museum challenges leaders and individuals worldwide to think critically about their role in society and to confront antisemitism and other forms of hate, prevent genocide, and promote human dignity. For more information, visit