Micro-archival collections that have found their way into other archives or memorial institutions, or have even developed into an institution are not micro-archives as we understand them.
If the information above applies to a micro-archive you are familiar with, we would be glad to be in contact with you to explore possibilities for further cooperation.
How can EHRI assist micro-archives?
Many institutions holding collections related to the Holocaust work with a similar mission: To preserve the material legacy as a testimony for current and future generations about this dark period of history, to remember the victims, and to caution about the atrocities humans are capable of committing. To support this global endeavour, it has been EHRI’s goal to assist archives throughout Europe and the world in making important records accessible. EHRI provides an easy to search digital platform to swiftly find archival collections located in different locations.
We aim at increasing the scientific audience and public interest in these important archival collections, as well as at integrating additional archival data in order to make the links between the documents visible, and to enrich the stories these sources can tell.
Photo by JF Martin