Memoria [EN] Nr. 20 (05/2019) | Page 4

The exhibition “Auschwitz. Not Long Ago. Not Far Away” created by the Auschwitz Memorial and the Spanish company Musealia was officially inaugurated in New York at The Museum of Jewish Heritage – A Living Memorial to the Holocaust. It is the first presentation of the exhibit in the USA.

‘Auschwitz is not only history, it is not a story, a message or a warning. Auschwitz is authentic human pain, sadness, and death. A very concrete tragedy - not a tragedy of more than one million people, but more than one million individual tragedies. Therefore, this exhibition must be based on authenticity,’ said Dr. Piotr M. A. Cywiński, the director of the Auschwitz Museum.

'It is an exhibition about our contemporary world – ‘not long ago and not far away’. The language of hatred, the extremist propaganda, populism, xenophobic movements, racism, antisemitism, terror attacking innocent victims, separatism, exclusion, and indifference are constantly growing in strength,’ he added.

‘Our responsibility today is the same as it was ‘not so long ago and not so far away,’ stressed director Cywiński.

The exhibition allow visitors to experience artifacts from the Auschwitz Memorial as well as 20 other institutions and collections

"Auschwitz. Not long ago. Not far away." arrived in New York City after the exhibition completed a successful run in Madrid, where it was extended two times, drew more than 600,000 visitors, and was one of the most visited exhibitions in Europe last year.




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