Memoria [EN] Nr. 20 (05/2019) | Page 20


John Pregulman, KAVOD

In our world today, now more than ever, there is a powerful human need to belong; to feel connected; to feel valued; to feel worthy; to feel like we matter! We are all seeking to be heard, seen, understood and loved. This is true whether you are 5, 18, 50 or 90. And, this is an immeasurable truth for our vulnerable Holocaust Survivors in the US struggling with day to day basic needs.

KAVOD~Ensuring Dignity for Holocaust Survivors, is an organization that is making a massive impact for Holocaust Survivors living near or in poverty in the US. KAVOD was created in the fall of 2015 when the founders, John and Amy Israel Pregulman, learned that 1/3 of the up to 80,000 Survivors living in the US struggle with day to day basic needs when there is an emergency situation.

Sometimes, it is their life that is in constant chaos that is the emergency. It seemed unbelievable. “We still get looks of dismay every time we share these numbers. We get asked time and time again how is this possible and why is this happening?” says Amy, Executive Director of KAVOD.

In the 3 and a half years that KAVOD has operated, close to 1300 Holocaust Survivors in 37 communities in the US have been supported. 100% of all dollars given to KAVOD go to the Survivors. KAVOD partners with Jewish Family Services and other service agencies that serve Survivors to know the needs and get the aid to the Survivors. Aid is provided on a case to case confidential basis and given in the form of gift cards for day to day needs.

dostarczać niezbędne wsparcie. Pomoc udzielana jest w konkretnych sytuacjach w sposób poufny i przyjmuje formę kart podarunkowych zawierających środki na pokrycie podstawowych potrzeb.