Memoria [EN] Nr. 20 (05/2019) | Page 14

light content. The deputy director Wiesław Wysok referred to this during the promotional meeting, emphasising the outstanding artistic values of the drawings

[...] a form of communication that is modern, pop-cultural, but in the positive sense of the word, should not only be an inspiration to young people. I believe that it is a comic book for all those with some degree of sensitivity […]. The comic book [...] obviously tells about the history and those times, but in truth, it also poses the questions - why do we need memory? Why do we need to recollect a story from nearly 80 years ago? What values were salvaged in this hell, which Majdanek certainly was, as well as other German concentration camps?

Older teenagers, the main recipients of the publication, will also find in it: a short historical afterword, a dictionary of terms and biographies of the prisoners whose stories became the foundation of the narrative. It is worth mentioning that there is a work of art among the museum exhibits stored at the State Museum at Majdanek, which prefigures the comic book form. In August 1944, Andrzej Janiszek wrote a poem-like fairy tale titled Film for Krysia. Krysia must have a brother. The former prisoner illustrated the story for his friend's daughter and placed the individual drawings on a long strip of paper, like a film - on a rolled-out film plate. He added frames with historical objects of Majdanek to the scenery.

Freedom Bread is available in traditional and online sales at the bookstore of the State Museum at Majdanek. The premiere was held as part of the Lublin Meetings with Comics, while the participants of the Poznań Pyricon learned about it before the premiere. The meeting with the author in Lublin was an excellent opportunity to conduct drawing workshops: students created their screenplays and put themselves to the test as scriptwriters and cartoonists under the supervision of the artist. We have addressed the comic exposition in the city centre to the residents of Lublin, consisting of 15 selected boards, as well as two guided tours.

The comic book in autumn we will be at the Łódź Comics Festival and the Lublin Falcon. An educational workshop for secondary school students and comic book workshops will take place in Lublin at the beginning of November.


Jesienią będziemy na łódzkim Festiwalu Komiksu oraz na lubelskim Falkonie. Na początku listopada w Lublinie odbędą się warsztaty edukacyjne dla uczniów szkół średnich, a także warsztaty komiksowe.