Memoria [EN] No. 75 | Page 11

hiding: Joe de Haan, John Lamovie, Halina Zylberman, Paul Grinwald, Henri Korn, Sonia Kempler and Floris Kalman.

Visitor is taken through the exhibition by an MHM team member, visitors to hear first-hand the survivor’s perseverance and bravery, along with the acts of kindness and courage of others, that helped to save their lives.

The exhibition showcases testimonials, photos and artefacts that keep the child’s perspective in mind. All delivered through cutting-edge exhibition technologies – by virtue of our partnership with immersive exhibition specialists, Art Processors.

With moving images, soundscapes, dioramas and projections, this exhibition offers a truly profound and engaging learning experience.

For younger visitors to encounter stories of survivors – who were children like them during the war, but had incredible experiences of being in hiding and being rescued – what better way to learn about history, humanity, intolerance and kindness, justice and hope?” said MHM CEO Jayne Josem.

The Hidden exhibition showcases primary source materials from the Holocaust – keeping a child’s perspective in mind

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