Memoria [EN] No 61 (10/2022) | Page 18



This year marks the 80th anniversary of this event. We commemorate it by dedicating the latest issue of the "Varia" magazine to the situation of female prisoners of various nationalities at Majdanek.

Eleven articles written by the staff of the State Museum at Majdanek touch upon not only the living conditions of women prisoners, but also the functioning of the women's infirmary, clothing and art created behind the barbed wire. The role of camp female overseers is also highlighted. One of the texts presents the latest publications - diaries and memoirs of female survivors of Majdanek.

On October 1, 1942, the first female prisoners arrived at Majdanek. The date marks the creation of Frauenkonzentrationslager [FKL] – the women’s concentration camp established at prisoner field V. The first women imprisoned at Majdanek were the Polish prisoners displaced from two districts of Lublin – Wieniawa and Dziesiąta, as well as from the Goraj settlement, and the Jewish inmates deported from the ghettos in Bełżyce and the ghetto at Majdan Tatarski in Lublin.

The #WomenofMajdanek campaign aims to commemorate the fate of women deported to KL Lublin from various areas of German-occupied Europe.


October 1942 is a special period in the history of KL Lublin. It was then that the first women were deported to the camp, where until then only men had been incarcerated.

State Museum at Majdanek

Table of contents:

Frauenkonzentrationslager – The Concentration Camp for Women (Łukasz Mrozik)

Jewesses (Anna Wójtowicz, Marek Duda)

Polish Political Prisoners (Marta Grudzińska)

Women Displaced from the Zamość Region (Anna Wójcik)

Belarusians (Beata Siwek-Ciupak)

Juvenile Females and Children at Majdanek (Paulina Pętal)

Women’s Infirmary (Marta Grudzińska)

Prisoner Clothing (Nadia Sola-Sałamacha)

“My Cherished Watercolours” (Anna Surdacka)

Female SS-Overseers (Wojciech Lenarczyk)

Women’s Camp Accounts & Diaries (Aleksandra Skrabek)