Memoria [EN] No. 51 (12/2021) | Page 19

responsibility of memorials to make certain topics more visible was talked about. Digital formats do not reflect analogue offerings, but rather through their cross-border, barrier-free approaches, create new potential for participation.

In a roundtable conversation, moderated by Prof. Dr, Habbo Knoch, Andreas Ehresmann (Sandbostel Camp Memorial), Prof. Dr. Detlef Garbe (Foundation of Hamburg Memorials and Learning Centres), Dr. Andrea Genest (Memorial Museum Ravensbrück) and Juliane Grossmann (Nazi Forced Labor Documentation Center), as representatives of different memorials exchanged insights from the conference. There was agreement amongst the participants that digital offerings should be considered as an extension or as something independent when compared to the concrete places of remembrance. Digital formats not only served to open up new target groups, but also corresponded to a change in expectations while also enabling participatory approaches. The Corona pandemic has fortunately accelerated many digitalisation processes. However, there would still be a need for action in terms of resources or technical equipment. There is also the need for action with regard to the more difficult access to resources for smaller memorial sites. Furthermore, the participants also discussed ways to improve such as networking, increased efforts in the area of open source data and efforts in the area of change management. The conference ended with a view on the increasing relevance of memorial work in the digital space.

Translation: Daniel Cartwright