"The entire modern world is now living more and more as if they have not learned much from the tragedy of the Shoah and concentration camps"—wrote the director of the Auschwitz Memorial Dr. Piotr M. A. Cywiński in a special article for the 73rd aniiversary of the liberation of Auschwitz. "What is happening to our world? What is happening to us? Has the memory ceased to constitute a commitment?"—he asked.
Preserving Memory is a mission, a commitment and a great responsibility. Continuous work of educators around the world who teach about human tragedies from the World War II period, who look at history in an honest and objective way, is an incredibly difficult, but very needed task. In our times we need to remember that building bridges between people takes a long time and their destruction can take only a moment.
In February edition of "Memoria" we write about events of the 73rd anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz, about amazing work of French organization Yahad - In Unum that documents traces of mass executions of Jews and Roma killed by Germans in Eastern Europe and identifies their execution sites, an ERIAC conference dedicated to Roma memory, about Auschwitz testimonies in the database "Chronicles of Terror" created by the Witold Pilecki Center for Totalitarian Studies, exhibition of photographs and film from the Holocaust at Yad Vashem, as well as new initiative of SWPS University in Warsaw—the Centre for Economics of Memorial Sites.
I also encourage all our readers to co-operate with us. We would be grateful to receive information about events, projects, publications, exhibitions, conferences or research that we could write about. We also accept proposals for articles. Please do share information about this magazine with others, particularly via social media.
Our e-mail: [email protected]
All editions: memoria.auschwitz.org
Paweł Sawicki, Editor-in-Chief