without being conscious of death, is there still any place for the commemoration of victims? Does the cacophony of individual and equally important stories – to which everyone is naturally entitled – still entail a liberating moral message? Does the total of human self-satisfaction constitute the most efficient measure of good in this world?
Seeing, at a glance, how absurdly unmatched to modern challenges education has become, why are we unable to change its meaning? Is the proportion between the number of lessons like Mathematics compared to classes such as Ethics; the knowledge of using mass media wisely; Civics and the knowledge of internal threats for society; the ability to organize civil opposition; the skills to create aid projects – really justified? Do we really want to build our future on integrals so much? Why does the history we teach remain only a safe study of the past, whilst matching all present circumstances, without presenting any distinct correlations with the current world and the increasingly insecure future?
We do not want to answer these questions ourselves, so it is easier to put them away, ridicule or discredit them.