Memoria [EN] No. 37 (10/2020) | Page 15

Kubik from the Museum Collections. ‘We do not know for sure who arrived with it to Auschwitz. Perhaps Amos’s belongings were packed into it earlier, and hence the number was written there. Instances, where the same suitcase was used in transports to the Theresienstadt Ghetto and then, during the deportation to Auschwitz, by two different people, were quite common,’ added Kubik

‘We have decided that, during the subsequent preservation work, the suitcase with the name ‘Ludwig Steinberg’ will be moved from the room where it is currently stored to the main exhibition. It will be placed among the other suitcases on display there. We will pass on the knowledge about the object to the guides, who often introduce elements of the history of particular people into their tour narrative,’ added Director Cywiński.

In total, the Germans transferred 24 transports of over 46,000 Jews from the Theresienstadt Ghetto to Auschwitz. About 18,000 of them were placed in a special family camp in section BIIb of the Auschwitz II-Birkenau camp.