Memoria [EN] No. 36 (09/2020) | Page 11

Żydowscy partyzanci litewscy, lipiec 1944. Zbiory Wiener Holocaust Library.

carefully assess and anticipate it consequences. With antisemitism and racism ongoing problems, all the creativity and innovation that built social media needs to be harnessed to address these issues. And it will require more than talented “techies.”

Historians and other experts in the humanities — the study of what it means to be human — need to be part of this urgent endeavor.

Mark Twain is alleged to have said that “A lie is halfway around the world while the truth is still putting its shoes on.” Regardless of the source, the observation pre-dates the rise of social media by a century. The world always changes, but human nature never does.

Sara J. Bloomfield is director of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum.

The article was originally published at USHMM Medium page.