Memoria [EN] No 32 (05/2020) | Page 21

“We launched this exhibition to give voice to the victims and help establish the historical record as the Burmese government denies the genocide against the Rohingya.” said Naomi Kikoler, Director of the Museum’s  Simon-Skjodt Center for the Prevention of Genocide. “There has been no significant improvement in the Rohingya’s status. Those who remain in Burma face an ongoing risk of genocide as do the one million refugees in Bangladesh should they return home.” 

“The Burmese government has attempted to silence and erase the Rohingya people,” says Greg Constantine, the exhibition’s curator.

Over 14 years, Constantine has made 16 trips to the region to document the Rohingya’s plight. His photographs and the eyewitness testimonies he collected are featured throughout the exhibition. “This exhibition attempts to highlight the Rohingya community’s history and humanity,” continues Constantine. “We hope their stories in their own voices will help people gain a better understanding of who the Rohingya people are and the atrocities they have endured.” 

"It is meaningful for the US Holocaust Memorial Museum to create this historic exhibition to highlight the genocide that we have suffered,” said Tun Khin, president of the Burmese Rohingya Organisation UK. “We have been persecuted by the Burmese government, policy by policy, in a slow march toward genocide that is seeking to destroy us. People need to know that genocide still happens in the 21st century, and through this exhibition people will be able to understand what we have endured. It is powerful to know that we are not forgotten."

The exhibition can be found at:

Wszystkie zdjęcia w artykule dzięki uprzejmości Muzeum Holokaustu i Centrum Tolerancji w Moskwie

Fragment of the online exhibition