Memoria [EN] No. 3 / December 2017 | Page 29

This being a clear continuity, the context of the murder of people with disabilities and the Holocaust is quite complex: Jewish patients were included in the Aktion T4 and later on in14f13 (the murder of concentration camps inmates in killing facilities of the Aktion T4).

Jewish patients were also murdered during the mass killings in occupied eastern Europe and the methods of killings used point to the interconnectedness of these crimes. But the differences in motivation for these killings need to be considered alongside possible similarities.

There is much research still to be done as Yehuda Bauer, Honorary Chairman of the IHRA and renowned expert on the history of the Holocaust, noted in his final statement in which he gave an impressive overview on the context of these killings within the history and ideology of the Third Reich.

The conference ended with presentations on pedagogical work done by institutions like Hartheim Memorial (Austria), Hadamar Memorial and Topographie des Terrors (both Germany), Yad Vashem (Israel) and the Danish Institute for International Studies.

Conference materials will be published by IHRA Alliance in 2019