Memoria [EN] No. 25 (10/2019) | Page 24

appropriate conditions for visiting and utilising the collections, as well as administrative activities which ensure the performance of the fundamental statutory activities. The thematic blocks include, among others: memory publications, places and concepts - new exhibitions, scientific and conservation projects, new research areas and spaces for the propagation of memory. Each Forum also addresses the future problems - the passing of the Witness Generation, narration, future research areas, new generations of recipients, i.e. the broadly understood changes, facing museums of martyrdom, dealing with the following topics: museums and places of remembrance in Poland - attempts to look into the near and distant future, dialogue: memory - today and tomorrow, places, symbols, and changes.

For ten years, more than 150 participants from over forty institutions have presented almost three hundred papers and presentations. No less important were integration and mutual acquaintance, which translate into real cooperation of colleagues from the participating institutions.

The Forum was held for the tenth time this year, from 4 to 6 September. The Jewish Historical Institute provided organisational support. The seminar also received financial and organisational support from the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage. The organisers discussed how to emphasise the ten-year history of the Forum, its role in the circles dealing with martyrdom, educational and research activities and the reputation the seminar had achieved during this period. With extensive experience and international contacts, the decision was taken to invite guests - witnesses and museum workers from areas affected by genocide in the XX century. Invitations were sent to the Srebrenica Genocide Victims Memorial in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Documentation Centre in Cambodia and the Digitisation Centre of the Tutsi Genocide Memorial in Kigali, Rwanda.