Memoria [EN] No. 25 (10/2019) | Page 27

Everyday, it leaves a different mark on every one of us who studies, teaches, or deals with the most painful history of the XX century; for whom suffering, cruelty and presence in spaces directly related to death is a part of everyday life. The chance to meet with the employees of martyrdom institutions facilitates everyday work in a memorial site.

Looking at the photographs from previous years, especially from 2010, it is edifying to see the same employees as well as the new generations who in accordance with the intention of Piotr Cywiński and Piotr Tarnowski, the founding directors of the institution, namely the Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum in Oświęcim and the Stutthof Museum in Sztutów, see the Memory Forum - Seminar of Polish Martyrdom Museums, as an essential tool for further work, and insist on their presence. Because it is such an important job!