Memoria [EN] No. 25 (10/2019) | Page 22





Piotr Tarnowski, Ewa Malinowska. Stutthof Museum

These are institutions and employees who have been speaking at the Forum for the past ten years, and those who are constantly joining the Forum. The permanent participant is obviously the Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum in Oświęcim as well as the Stutthof Sztutowo Museum, the State Museum at Majdanek in Lublin, the Museum of Martyrdom in Żabikowo, the Museum of Armed Struggle and Martyrology in Treblinka, the Central Museum of Prisoners of War in Łambinowice-Opole, the Pawiak Prison Museum, branch of the Independence Museum in Warsaw, Gross-Rosen Museum in Rogoźnica, the Jewish Historical Institute, the Historical Museum of the City of Krakow, the Institute of National Remembrance, the Museum of World War II in Gdańsk, the Museum of Martyrdom “Pod Zegarem” (Under the Clock), a branch of the Lublin Museum, the Palmiry Museum and Memorial, a branch of the Warsaw Museum, the Dulag 121 Museum, the Centre for Holocaust Research, the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy of Sciences, the Museum and Memorial in Bełżec, the Museum of the Former Nazi Death Camp in Sobibór, the Katyń Museum in Warsaw, the Gdańsk Museum, the University of Humanities and Social Sciences SWP, the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań and others. A regular international guest is the Holocaust Museum in Washington (USHMM).

The first seminar took place on 3-5 September 2010. Nineteen papers were presented. The idea of the organisers was and is a concrete construction of the lectures - they should refer to activities carried out in the previous year, be no longer than fifteen minutes and accompanied by a presentation. By its assumptions, the lectures arouse interest and discussions. The topics of the papers relate both to the basic activity: collection and scientific development of monuments, ensuring their proper state of preservation and safety, preservation and conservation of collections, preservation of immovable archaeological relics and other immovable cultural and natural heritage, organising permanent and temporary exhibitions, organising scientific research, conducting publishing, educational and promotional activities, making the collections available for educational and scientific purposes, ensuring appropriate conditions for visiting and utilising the collections, as well as administrative activities which ensure the performance of the fundamental statutory activities.

Memory Forum. Seminar of Polish Martyrdom Museums was established by two institutions: the Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum in Oświęcim and the Stutthof Museum in Sztutowo, as a field-specific space for the exchange of current experiences, discourse on current activities, and reflection on the future. It takes place in the first weeks of September at the Stutthof Museum in Sztutowo. The seminar participants include employees of Polish institutions dealing with martyrdom.

Zdjęcia w tym artykule dzięki uprzejmości Muzeum Stutthof