Anca Filipovici, The Romanian Institute for Research on National Minorities
The Institute has the following objectives: to conduct inter- and multidisciplinary studies and research with regard to the preservation, development and expression of ethnic identity, as well as about social, historical, cultural, linguistic, religious or other aspects of national minorities and of other ethnic communities living in Romania. The history of Jews in Romania, with a special focus on Transylvania, is explored at RIRNM through individual research projects conducted by the historians dr. Attila Gidó and dr. Anca Filipovici, and also through international projects having RIRNM as institutional partner. The most recent international projects include the Inventory of archive sources about Jewish history in Transylvania (2016-2019), a project funded by the Rothschild Foundation (Hanadiv) Europe within the Yerusha network. The project is coordinated by Ladislau Gyémánt, emeritus professor of Jewish History at the Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca. The researched surveyed Jewish-related documents in the archives of nine Transylvanian counties, resulting in a database with thousand archival descriptions. (For further information, please check: )
In 2018, RIRNM became associated partner in Rediscover, expose and exploit the concealed Jewish heritage of the Danube Region, a project co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI) through the Danube Transnational Programme. The project is based on an extensive partnership among Danube countries and explores the tangible and intangible elements of Jewish cultural heritage, in order to create competitive cultural products with potential tourism prospects.
(For further information, please check: )
The Romanian Institute for Research on National Minorities (RIRNM) is a legally constituted public entity, based in Cluj-Napoca, under the authority of the Romanian Government and coordinated by the Department for Interethnic Relations.