A scientific session was devoted to the role of archaeology as science at memorial sites, the methodology for conducting works and threats resulting from interfering in the site, as well as ethics accompanying such activities.
Conducting archaeological works within former German Nazi concentration and extermination camps constitutes a particularly complex subject due to its broad context: not only historical, but mainly ethical and, unfortunately, formal and legal. During the conference the representatives of martyrological museums had the opportunity to present their experience in the field of archaeological works, their results, to share with participants new information concerning the objects discovered, as well as problems which emerged within the undertaken activities.
The presentations were divided by organizers into thematic sections, which constituted a good decision as it turned out that the spectrum of this topic is particularly broad and touches numerous fields.
In the first part, representatives of the Stutthof Museum, the Memorial Site in Bełżec, the Historical Museum of the City of Krakow and the Museum at Majdanek presented the scope of conducted works, their effects and objects which appeared as a result of these activities. It was continuously emphasized that memorial sites constitute a special area protected not only due to the role which they played in the history, but most of all in connection with commemorating the victims of atrocities which had taken place on their premises.
Conference images: Katarzyna Krawczyk, Stutthof Museum