I just arrived in Amsterdam and it’s quite cold here. After all it’s December in Europe and most European cities have a harsh winter. People here are quite friendly and hospitable.
I think I’ll go into to one of nearby coffee shops.
It’s so nice and warm in here, but for some unknown reason people are smoking indoors. In London and in The U.S you are not allowed to some indoors at all. Yet, it seems that the people here are not smoking cigarettes at all, but rather spliffs, as we call them back home. I used to some here and there when I was at university, but I stopped because I have been told that it can harm your memory. I still need to get this suitcase to our client in the evening. I wonder what is inside it. I think I am going to open the suitcase to finally see what the hell am I carrying with me. I am not sure though, maybe I should wait until after I give the suitcase to the client and ask him to open it in front of me. I should get going anyhow. I need to meet this client and I am also getting quite stoned just from passive smoking. But before I leave maybe I should buy a few magic mushrooms to try later on in the evening.
I can’t believe it! I went to our client and when I gave him the suitcase I asked him to open it up to verify the transaction. When he opened the suitcase I saw a HUMAN BRAIN. Why the hell would there be a brain in that suitcase? Our client asked me to calm down and said to me that he was a bit surprised that I didn’t know what was in the suitcase I was carrying. He was even more surprised by the fact that I had no idea about my company’s business. I was frank with him and told him that I had no idea about what was going on. He told that my company was one of the biggest companies in that field. The only problem was that he didn’t tell what this field was. I left his office and spent the rest of the night trying out the magic mushrooms I bought earlier. Oh man that was a lot of fun. Now I understand why it has been said that you can treat depression and other psychological issues with these kind of substances. What do you think about it? Do you think that it is possible to treat depression with certain psychoactive drugs?