Membership Directory ft. Year in Review 2021-22 | Page 74



Country Facts

Capital : Singapore
Population : 5.68 Million
Language : Mandarin ( official ), English ( official ), Hokkien , Tamil , Cantonese , Teochew , Malay ( official ), other Chinese dialects
Industries : Electronics , chemicals . financial services , oil drilling equipment , petroleum refining , biomedical products , scientific instruments , telecommunication equipment , processed food and beverages , ship repair , offshore platform construction . entrepot trade
GDP ( US $ billion ): 271.2 Natural Resources : Fish , deepwater ports
Major Exports : Machinery and equipment ( electronics and telecommunications ), pharmaceuticals and other chemicals , refined petroleum products
Major Imports : Machinery and equipment , foodstuffs , consumer goods , mineral fuels , chemicals
Singapore is ranked by the World Bank as the second easiest place in the world to start , run and do business ( World Bank , 2019 ). You can set up a new business in a matter of hours . Singapore has a stable government , strong rule of law and effective regulatory system .

Common business environment with the UK

The UK and Singapore share a common language and have strong historical ties . Both economies have similar business and legal practices and share similar technical standards

Gateway to Asia Pacific

Singapore ’ s location makes it a gateway to South East Asia and Asia Pacific . It is the UK ’ s largest trading partner in South East Asia ( ONS , 2021 ), making it a good place from which to seek business opportunities in the wider region .
Source : https :// www . great . gov . uk
Contact the British Chamber of Singapore :
British Chamber of Commerce Singapore Tel : + 65 6222 3552 Web : www . britcham . org . sg