Members Retreat Colombia 2013 * | Page 3

Page 03 Bogotá D.C Bogotá, officially Bogotá Distrito Capital, Bogotá, D. C. The Capital of the Republic of Colombia and Cundinamarca. Area: 1.587 km² Weather: 23 °C, wind NE a 3 km/h, 43% humidity Time Zone: UTC/GMT -5 hours Population: 6,763 million (2005) UN GDP: 140.9 million USD (December 2012) It is located in the center of Colombia, in the natural region known as the savannah of Bogota, which is part of cundiboyacense plateau, mountain formation located in the Eastern Cordillera of the Andes. It is the third highest capital in South America, averaging 2625 meters above sea level. It owns the largest moorland of the world, located in the locality of Sumapaz.