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– TRACING THE “PLACE” WITH THREE COLORS – RENEWAL MODEL FOR THE HOUSING DISTRICT OF KEPEZALTI, ANTALYA Main approach to the given problem is based on the in-situ transformations of existing unique structure of urban fabric, transportation network and green texture preserving the actual general morphology of the site. In that sense the proposal is concentrated on developing a type-model for a possible map of future improvements of site by juxtopposition of three different strategies matching three main problem cathegories; grey-red-green, infrastructural network-housing fabric-public green. GREY Is the strategy of developing infrastructural network. They are stripes located on the uncertain traces of existing routes, which include infrastuctural elements such as paved streets for transportation, parking lots, water- supply, main sanitary and electricity installations, outside ligthing, ie. This grid divides also whole site to the operable units, for housing settlements, public institutions and urban services for the district. RED Is the strategy of creating the new order of housing pattern. They are stripes drawn on the possible agglomeration areas of existing detached or nearby buildings. Main aim is designing the new aligned housing units or groups using the traces of destroyed ones. This strategy gives the opportunity of preserving uniqness of actual situation, solid-void ratio and neighbourhood relations while getting betterment of building quality, defining the relation between public-private space, creating green gathering spaces, in short making improvements on urban public life quality. This aligned construction grid stops or changes its direction when it comes on existing groups of trees. So, there appears slightly changing map of the new – but emerging from the old – pattern of housing settlement. That can be a type-model for renewal process of such a squatter settlement. GREEN Is the strategy of creating public green and recreational amenities for the inhabitants. They are stripes drawn between two housing alingments – red stripes. Incidantal presence of actual groups of trees causing the problem of the lack of publicity of green pattern is solved through the densification proposal with new afforestation areas in the green stripes. This stripes defines the public space between two private spaces and recreational outdoor spaces, such as walking, cycling routes, outdoor sports fields… GREY – RED Is the sequance of juxtaposition of two different stripes – strategies, which defines the relationships between infrastructure and house itself –interface between public and private space. This section constitute parking lots, “backyard “ and service spaces of house -kitchen, bathrooms and entrance from street-level… RED – GREEN Is the sequance of juxtaposition of two different stripes – strategies, which defines the relationships between public green and house itself –interface between private and public space. This section constitute frontyards and daily-life spaces of house -living room, terraces, balconies and entrance from public garden-level… GREY – RED – GREEN Is the main site section principle creating relations between proposed order of spaces forming the whole project area; infrastructural public space – private space -– green public space. This tracing and renewing process of the “place” is the proposal for renewal model for the housing district of Kepezaltı.