The Truth About Entrepreneurship
by Bankole Ojo Medubi
What is the truth about entrepreneurship? These mathematical statements make a
fundamental point we can
learn from:
Point is,we all have different
methods at arriving at 10…
- Ibrahim Suleiman (@edomalo)
5 + 5 = 10
2 + 8 = 10
4 + 6 = 10
201 - 191 = 10
16 - 6 = 10
2 x 5 = 10
There are many different ways
to achieve entrepreneurial
Herein are some tips from
various successful entrepreneurs around the world.
These are entrepreneurs that
have braved the odds to create
successful businesses.
And wherever you are, whatever business you are running,
these are tips that will put you
on the path to success.
You will FAIL. So fail
“Start with a working set of
assumptions and test them
out in the market very fast. If
your assumptions are wrong
then pivot, adjust, and make a
decisive decision. Remember,
entrepreneurs love the process, the idea is one of many
you’ll have to achieving greatness, and commercial success.
- Mark Otero, General Manager, Studio at EA , Global
Gaming Entrepreneur.
Don’t give yourself a
“The answer I can give you
is not to call yourself a CEO.
Titles can be a bit misleading,
even for yourself. When you
are running a business you
are the the janitor as much
as the owner, the secretary as
much as the CEO, the warehouse manager as much as
President, etc etc etc... “
- MJ Gottlieb Serial Entrepreneur, Co-Founder N2ITIV
Start NOW. It’s a long
“Contrary to the stereotype,
startups are a marathon, not
a sprint.
The truth is, you are not going
to be a billion dollar company or acquired in the next 18
months. This s**t takes a long
- Jared Kim CEO, WeGame,
Millionaire at 19.
Just Do It…
“Done is better than perfect.”
- Rutul Davè Co-Founder,
Bright Funds.
“Get out of the building. REALLY. I can’t emphasize this
point enough. Many people
get absorbed into their computers instead of testing their
solutions with real people and
Talk to EVERYONE about
your start-up. You never know
how someone may help you,
by giving you a client lead,
suggesting an idea, giving
good advice. The best of all, is
J U N E 2 0 1 4 MeMag |
that this is free almost every
time. I hear too many people
trying to maintain their ideas
in secret. The problem is that
they stay TOO secret. No one
will be able to copy your vision if you have the drive to
- Domingo Lama, Business
Analyst, McKinsey And Company.
There are a million and one
tips about entrepreneurship.
And here is THE Truth; Have
Entrepreneurship is faith. A
state of mind. Entrepreneurship demands belief in an
idea, an opportunity. An
idea which, a lot of the
time, other people cannot see. Not a passive
But a faith that demands you spend
your money on it. A
faith that demands
you shed your
blood, sweat and
tears for it. Spend
rebuilding a self-esteem smashed by
rejection the day
A faith that demand