has a limit of 5,000 friends that can be added. According to Facebook’s Terms and Conditions (which I bet
you didn’t read), it’s illegal to promote a business using a Profile.
What you need to create, is a Facebook Page. This was
specially introduced to enable businesses to connect
with their fans, customers and prospective customers.
There is no limit to the number of ‘fans’ that a Facebook Page can have. And yes, it is FREE!
2. Promote Your Page: After creating and customizing your shiny new Facebook Page, invite your
friends to like it. This is just to get the likes to a respectable number. Your friends are not necessarily
interested in your business. They just liked it because
you asked nicely… and because you’d hate them if they
didn’t… and because nobody wants to be alone…etc.
You get the point.
In order to attract a quality, targeted following, pay to
promote your page on Facebook.
Facebook has a lot of information on its users including their interests… ESPECIALLY their interests.
So if your business is about ‘Event Management’ and
you are based in Nigeria, you can take advantage of
a Facebook feature called ‘Precise Interests’ and promote your page to people who are interested in events/
weddings in Nigeria.
topple that sales resistance.
Post valuable updates surrounding your craft and always aim to stimulate conversation. Remember that
people do not connect with Brand Logos, but with
other real people. So remember to be a person when
you make posts.
POWER TIP: People get on Social Media for 3 main
reasons. To be Informed, Educated and Informed.
Work with these as your objectives and you’ll always
have their attention.
4. Send Traffic To Your Website: You know the
age-old saying, “Never build a house on rented land”?
Well, Facebook and her siblings might be the hottest
things right now, but the objective is to sell your products and services, right? Ensure that your website is
well optimized to achieve just this. And for those that
do not buy/call right away, ensure that you have a form
on your website that captures their contact details so
that you can reach them by email/phone.
There’s a lot more strategies that you could use to position your business for success on Social Media. These
4 tips however, will put you in pole position for starters.
Have fun!
Random Quote: “The Internet is the closest that man
has come, to being omnipresent” - John Obidi
3. Engage Your Audience: People buy from Facebook: facebook.com/ObidiSocial
other people that they Know, Like and Trust. So far, Twitter: @JohnObidi
you’ve successfully achieved the K-Factor. You’re Instagram: @JohnObidi
known. Your hundreds of fans know that you exist,
but they won’t patronize you just yet. You still have to
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