MeMag June 2014.pdf Jun. 2014 | Page 25

icant influence to it? Ven Lannap: Laughs... My faith is my business. In fact, faith is one of Bo Sita MADE’s core values. Bo Sita Ven Lannap: My definition of success is discover- MADE is a FAITH-based organisation, standing solidly ing your purpose that works with your destiny then on the foundation - JESUS CHRIST. My team and I running with it to finding your fulfilment. This simply see all that we do as labouring in the mission field called means, accomplishing God’s work, God’s way and in the society, fulfilling the great commission, Matt. 28:19God’s time. 20. What influenced this decision is the experience I am having in the ministry that my FATHER has called me to do -Bo Sita MADE. I started this organization in 2007, first as a TV talk show concept, so I could challenge youths to overcome whatever odds that were against them and step out to impacting their society positively. Then, I realised that I had to live by example, meaning I had to first overcome the odds that were against me MeMag: Finally, in your honest opinion, what do you think Christians in business do that should be applauded and what do you think should be criticized? Ven Lannap: Living lives of integrity no matter the situation is what I see Christians in business do, and that has added to my courage to stand firm. Though such Christians are few, they stand out and make loving "My faith is my business. In fact, faith is one of Bo Sita MADE’s core values." and step out to impacting my own society positively. I began getting involved in affecting my society in the most unorthodox of ways that I later branded as Leader5, Save.the.Heroes and Project Rahab, which are now the main projects running under Bo Sita MADE. I am successful because I am more than 100% certain that I am where God wants me to be and doing just what He has assigned me to do. God has a hand in what Bo Sita MADE is doing and just as He intended for me to officially start this organization in 2007. So far, He has never left me, I am seeing His faithfulness and miracles in the lives of the people I and my team are influencing. I am about touching and changing the lives of people I come across. Jesus real and doable. They don't let the cares of this world like: financial crisis, rejection, accusation, mockery and negative circumstances shake them. Instead, they keep depending solely on Jesus to always guide and lead them. He is there solid foundation. They are as human as the next person, but, their reaction to life's situation is different. They are always radiating, and the society benefits from them; could be financially, character development, etc. However, I have also come across Christians who preach the Message but, don’t live the message in everything they do because the love of money has permeated the society that everyone, regardless of their faith wants to make money through whatever method they lay their This means that money, fame and power shouldn't de- hands on, and sadly, most Christians fall into the trap, fine success, rather what should define success is ful- or should say web? Not just that but the ‘love’ for power, filling purpose - using your passion to helping others acceptance, control, firm and instant gratification has - that which brings inner satisfaction no matter the clouded their minds to not staying true to their ‘first huddles life throws. love’. MeMag: It is more than obvious hearing you speak MeMag: Talking to you has been really inspiring. that your faith has a lot to do with your line of work, tell Thank you so much for gracing this interview. us about that? Ven Lannap: The pleasure’s all mine J U N E 2 0 1 4 MeMag | @memagtwits 22