Ven Yop Lannap
exclusive interview
"It has been an amazing journey so far, as I have been involved in almost all the aspects
of the media to tell the world
about Jesus through fighting
the social ills that affect our
society both internationally
and locally..."
MeMag: Tell us a little about yourself.
from my school days. I knew that
God has called me to use the media
as a platform to reaching the world
with His message. So, I also call myself a missionary.
Ven Lannap: My full names are
Ven Yop Lannap, though I was initially known as Venya Lannap, it
became needful for me to change
it due to personal reasons. I am a
media worker who is into acting,
writing, producing, etc, and also
the Boss of Bo Sita MADE. I studied
English Literature at Ahmadu Bello
University, Zaria. I have been very
passionate about the media right
It has been an amazing journey so
far, as I have been involved in almost all the aspects of the media to
tell the world about Jesus through
fighting the social ills that affect our
society both internationally and locally; I have been a reporter and a
producer of PAMOJA Newsletter
and one of the seminars’ speakers
during the conference. PAMOJA is
an African conference that is about
et’s hear from Ven
Lannap :
J U N E 2 0 1 4 MeMag |
rising a new generation of African
leaders who would change Africa
for the best, organized biannually
by Great Commission Movement,
a ministry of Campus Crusade for
Christ International, and this gave
me the opportunity to meet and
work with an amazing photographer who is very passionate about
being a missionary: Joel Dasalla.
I starred alongside notable Nollywood stars and icons; Ramsey Nuoah, late Sam Loco Efeh, and Tina
Mba, in an international human
trafficking film titled Europe In My
Heart, that is presently making an
impact as a tool in the fight against