MeMag June 2014.pdf Jun. 2014 | Page 18

C ommunication, like has b e e n drummed into our ears, is very important especially in the business arena. You want your clients, business partners; investors etc. to understand exactly what you are saying and you do not want to misinterpret what they are saying it could be very costly, literally. What is amazing about communication, trying to pass your message across, is that it is much more than the words you speak. As a matter of fact the words you speak constitute just 7% of communication. Can you imagine that? You may be wondering what then makes up the rest; your TONE is 38% while your Body Language is 55% which is the largest. Whether or not we are conscious, people glean a lot of meaning from our non-verbal actions than our words. They add it up and derive an understanding of what they think the message we are trying to pass across is which makes understanding body language and using it very important. Here are some body language sign: 1) Checking your wrist watch or the clock, inspecting your finger nails. Tapping your nails on the table or your feet in most cases indicate impatience or irritability. 2) Personal space: when around people please do not stand or sit so close to them except they are your close friends. People are very conscious of their personal space you do not want to come across as flirty or disrespectful. 3) Looking Away: when in a meeting and more often than not you look away tells that you are distracted, disinterested or hiding something. Try to maintain eye contact with the person(s) you are with. J U N E 2 0 1 4 MeMag | S P E E C H WITHOUT WORDS by Evangeline Udenyi 4) Crossing arms: this gesture shows that your been defensive. Even though people in business love to be formal and not personal, they also will love to feel safe and relaxed around you. your message, use any method possible to get a feedback so you can be sure that what you are saying is properly understood. Also ask questions to be sure that what you heard is what you should be hearing. 5) Blinking Fast: This shows anxiety or nervousness. It is preferable to watch it and minimize as much as possible. 6) Nervous laugh: classic case of Anxiety as well as Enthusiasm, your tone and words will help distinguish which it is. 7) Stroking cheek or chin: This shows that you are considering, thinking through what was been said or the topic under discussion it also show suspicion. Always strive to properly communicate @memagtwits 15