12 things not to do
in an interview
by Bomi Awesu
DO NOT get to the interview venue late (and don’t get there too early either): Never for any reason (except the sudden death of a loved one or similar reasons) go for an interview late. If you do,
chances are high you won’t be interviewed and if you are, you may not be hired on that ground. It
gives the impression that you are not serious or you do not value the process. To avoid being late,
find and confirm the location of the interview before the date and time of the interview. On the
other hand getting there too early shows you do not value your current job or you have too much
time on your hands. Whichever case, interviewers don’t like it. 30mins before the interview is just
fine. If you get there 2 hours before, look for a restaurant around and just relax there before you
go in.
DO NOT be rude to anyone in the interview process: A lot of times your interview process begins
from the moment you step into the gate of the organisation. Be courteous with everyone from
the Security Guard to the Managing Director. You never can tell who is who or what extra edge
being courteous will give you. That includes when the cleaner “accidentally” ruins your $400 suit.
AVOID wearing bright colours for interviews: Bright colours are associated with fun and not work.
Wearing it could send the wrong message across. If you desire to colour code with the organisation which could be a good thing, look for a non-distracting element in your dressing to put the
touch. Eg if the hiring company has red as one of its colors, instead of wearing a red shirt, use a
red lapel pin or a red tie for ladies, a red camisole or neck scarf would do.
AVOID inappropriate dressing: Contrary to popular opinions, not all interviews require suits. Some
organisations do not dress in suits therefore it is ok to dress smartly casual. A nice top on a neatly
ironed skirt or trouser, moderate comfortable heels that make NO NOISE. The important thing to
note is NO trending clothes or tight fitted clothes. It’s not a fashion parade it’s an interview. Oh
yes, certainly no jeans even if it is an engineering interview.
NEVER cut your interviewer mid speech even if he/ she has misinterpreted you. Allow them finish
their thoughts then gently point out the error by providing the correct version of the statement.
On no occasion should you argue or raise your voice in the process. State your points clearly and
respectfully and stand by your convictions.
NEVER stare at your interviewer: Make bold brief eye contact but don’t glare or stare at them no
matter how pleasing to the eyes they appear to be.
DO NOT provide information on your CV or while speaking that you can not substantiate with
adequate professional examples.
DO NOT chew while waiting for interview or while in front of the interview panel. Spit it out before
you get in.
DO NOT hide any information that may be instrumental to their decision to give you the job. However, don’t play down on other candidates experience or passions either in the event you have
access to use information
DO NOT cower at the sight of the interviewers no matter how intimidating they are. Remember
they are human and this process is to help them select the best fit. Also remember this isn’t a do
or die affair. If you feel a little stress, take some seconds to calm down and remember 3 idiots’
slogan “ALL IS WELL”.
DO NOT leave the room without thanking the interviewers but make it brief. 10 seconds is enough
DO NOT forget your belongings when you’re leaving.
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