MeMag June 2014.pdf Jun. 2014 | Page 11

free samples. A risky move you might say but one that proved successful in the long run. This isn’t limited to businesses that serve logo was flashed across the screen and at the same time the company’s newest brand of male deodorant was pumped into the cinema hall via the ventilation system. This simple “trick” proved very successful as sales for the product went up the roof. Now if you’re a self-proclaimed skeptic like I used to be (positive confession) you’re asking how this applies to me if I’m not in the business of producing “sweet smelling offerings”. Well, we can all The immortal Coca Cola learn from the edible products, the way aforementioned example. your goods and services If you meet a specific need are sold can be done taste- and talk about it, this will fully (forgive the corny play on words) brand isn’t what you say about yourself but what your clients say about you and this is greatly influenced by the perception they have of you. Sound This is pretty self-explanatory. Talk about yourself, what you do and when you are done talking, talk some more. If it made the Kardashians and Senator Patrick Obahiagbon (crinkum crankum) famous then imagine what it will do for your business. Touch This is the most powerful of all senses. It can make you laugh one second and cry the next. Imagine the endless possibilities that abound for any business that can connect to its client’s on an emotional level. In my experience the best way to do this is by experiential marketing. Have mell your customers experiNivea did a survey in 2011 ence what you are offering. and found out that the That’s why a car sales man most common smells in lets you drive that dream cinemas are Body odor car you always wanted; a and popcorn. The deodorant giant lunched a cam- give a positive perception good Realtor does not just paign where before mov- of your company. Contra- show the house but paints ies were run the company ry to what you think, your a picture of how much fun you and your family will have in it; cell phone dealers will let you touch and play with that brand new phone with more features than you will ever need. If you do your job well enough your client will begin to imagine how they ever lived with whatever it is you are peddling, that’s when they make an emotional connection and become endeared to your brand. In the immortal words of my high school debate team captain “I hope you are convinced beyond any iota of doubt and not confused” that just like sh*t , great businesses must sell themselves. S J U N E 2 0 1 4 MeMag | @memagtwits 8