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The historical Silk Road Ayaş, Beypazarı, Güdül, Nallıhan Branches of the Silk Road which also passed through our country which was the birth place of many different civilizations follow the old Ankara-İstanbul road and lead to Ayaş, Beypazarı, Güdül and Nallıhan. Ayaş province’s historical structure on narrow streets between wooden – stone houses is still felt together with green of its vineyards and gardens and baths, majority of its old buildings such as Kırkevler Bazaar and spa, mosques and tombs which were also mentioned in the famous travel book of Evliya Çelebi and survived until today. Artifacts belonging to Hittite, Phrygian, Roman, Galatian and Seljuk Period which are on display at the Paşa Bath which is currently used as the culture center reflects the historical richness of the region. The remains of the Roman bath belonging to the Roman Period in the Çağ town on Güdül road and two of the mosques that remained from the Seljuk period near the Kirmir Pond have survived until today. You will have the 84 opportunity to see the churches carved inside the rocks in İnönü and vineyards and orchards while heading towards Güdül. Stone dickites resembling fairy chimneys on the way to the Sorgun Valley reflect the natural beauty of the region. Derbencik, Karcıkaya and Hacılar bridges which did not lose their authentic identity although they have been used for centuries are among the historical values of Beypazarı. Boğazkesen tomb on the Silk Road and the large tomb remained from the 13th century and its environs combined with Beypazarı province’s restored old houses and mansions located on the narrow streets, mosques, fountains, baths and Suluhan caravanserai. Once upon a time, this province used to play host to silk exchange. The steppe turns into a green land at the junction of Tekke Village which is located on the road heading towards the Nallıhan from the Silk Road route. The bird paradise at the wetland of Sakarya River is the home of 168 bird species and there are different layers of different colored soils at the hills surrounding the wetland. Ayaş 80 Beypazarı Nallıhan Güdül 85