Types of Tourism
Convention Tourism Thermal Tourism
Ankara has advantages in terms of convention
tourism due to its location in the country
and in the region, infrastructure and other
investment supports and its cultural and
natural potential. As well as having many
accommodation facilities with the quality of
national and international standards, there
are also meeting and convention centers
under the structure of universities and public
institutions. The water temperature of big spring is 47 C°,
small spring is 44 C°, mineral water source
is 19,5 C°, and drinking water is 37C° in the
Kızılcahamam thermal water springs. Its
water is classified under the hyperthermal
hypotonic waters as a pyhsical and chemical
compound. Visitors have the opportunity to
benefit as bath and drinking water services
provided by the accommodation facilities
located in the spa region. Drinking treatment
cures liver, gall bladder, metabolism diseases
and gastrointestinal disorders while the
bath treatment is good for heart, circulatory
disorders and rheumatism. The water
temperature in Sey Bath which is 2 kilometers
west of Güvem district on the Kızılcahamam-
Çerkes road is measured as 43C°. The water
has a bicarbonated sodiumed, calciumed,
carbondioxided and fluorided structure. It is
known that thermal waters have a positive
impact on rheumatism, arthralgia and
arthritis, gastrointestinal disorders blood
circulation disorders, neurological disorders,
liver, gall bladder and nutrition disorders.
The temperature of Ayaş thermal and
drinking water source is 51C°. The
temperature of Ayaş Karakaya thermal water
which includes bicarbonate, sodium, calcium
and carbondioxide is 31C°. Drinking and
bath treatment cures rheumatism, neuralgia,
gynecological diseases, gall bladder stones,
constipation, inflammatory disorders and
kidney stones. The water Dutlu Tahtalı
Beypazarı thermal spring in Beypazarı
province varies between 31C°and 52C°. The
thermal water includes chloride, sulphate,
sodium, calcium and carbondioxide. It is good
for dermatological diseases, liver, gall bladder,
pancreas disorders and atherosclerosis.
The temperature of Melikşah thermal water
in the Çubuk province is 31C°. The thermal
water includes calcium, magnesium and
bicarbonate. It cures stomach, liver and
pancreas disorders, atherosclerosis and lung