Meltem Sevim Kayaoğlu 43621,ankara-introductory-book-englishpdf | Page 54

The Ankara Painting and Sculpture Museum

The museum building was constructed on the Namazgah Hill in 1927 by Arif Hikmet Koyunoğlu . Being among the most beautiful examples of the First National Architecture Period ( 1908 – 1930 ), the building was designed as the headquarters for the Turkish Nationalits Clubs . The building which was restored and opened as a museum in 1980 has became an institution having all functions and services required from a modern museum . Osman Hamdi Bey ’ s “ Weapon Merchant ”, V . Vereshchagin ’ s “ In Front of Tamerlane ’ s Grave ”, Zonaro ’ s “ Portrait of a Young Girl ” and Emel Cimcoz Korutürk ’ s “ Gratitude to Gazi ” paintings were among the first works displayed in the museum . Some of the paintings purchased by Adnan Ötüken , the founder of the National Library , were restored and included to the collection of the museum . Some of the works of the painters who participated in the State Painting and Sculpture exhibitions organized starting from 1939 in order to promote plastic arts among public and support artists in the Republican Period were included to the museum collection by the selective committee . Paintings which were included to the collection by purchasing , reveals the stages which Turkish Plastic Arts went through and fulfill the demands of researchers .
There are art galleries , a restoration workshop , exhibition halls , an oriental hall , concert-theatre hall , administrative department and depots in the museum . It is suitable for opera performances with its stage consisting an orchestra pit .
Address : Talatpaşa Blv . Türk Ocağı Sokak No : 1
Ulus-ANK . Phone : ( 312 ) 3102094-95 Faks : ( 312 ) 3108602 Visiting days : Everyday except Mondays . Open between : 09.00-12.00